Country Story Secrets
Like every good Facebook game, the importance of loading up on coins cannot be understated for Country Story. Those Country Story coins are going to be the lifeblood of everything you do – from planting and watering new crops to buying bigger plots, better items, and lots of furry, fuzzy farm animals. But, how do you get the necessary Country Story coins to do all that? It starts with a good strategy and clear view of what is involved in this game.
1. Plan Your Schedule
Make sure you know how much time you can play the game each day. If you can only logon once every 24 hours, you need to create a schedule that works well with that time frame. There are very few plants that take a full 24 hours to harvest and none that take longer, so you will need to get your friends to help as well, or have a dog on the property to keep your crops safe from stealing. Either way, make sure to spend some time planning what will work with your available time.
2. Engage with Your Friends
Your neighbors are a big part of the game. They can help keep your farm running when you are away from your computer for too long and they can provide needed crops to steal from if you have an animal with a ravenous appetite. Make sure to get as many neighbors as you can and do your daily duty to get those 10 friendship points.
3. Complete Quests
Quests are fun and will reward you with all sorts of Country Story coins and opportunities to grow your overall income levels. Try to keep up with the quests at each level. Additionally, consider getting the trophies that are available to you as you level. The more quickly you can complete Trophies, the quicker you can level up your character’s production ability and stamina – two things that will make you far more coins in the long run.
If you do these three things, along with the myriad other tasks that you are allowed to perform in Country Story, you will quickly find that the game will practically throw Country Story coins at you. While there are seemingly a huge number of ways to get rich in this game, the best strategy is to do a little bit of everything, working it all together into a well woven tapestry of strategies. Do all that and you’ll never want for coins again.
>>> Country Story Secrets <<<
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