Country Story Secrets
Watering in Country Story is something relatively new and unique to this farming app – at least if you’ve been playing FarmVille instead. It requires that you have an entirely different schedule and approach for how you maintain your crops, and that you are able to get online often enough to maintain the process throughout the day and until the crops are ready to harvest. That can be hard for a lot of players, especially if they don’t play the game very often. So, if you’re serious about playing this game well, watering in Country Story will become a primary concern.
How to Create a Good Watering Schedule
There are two options for watering and you will need to take advantage of both if you want your farm to flourish. The first option is to log back on often enough to water those plants and keep them alive. The second option is to have a friend water your plants for you – something you can do if you plan carefully ahead of time.
The Key to Successful Daily Watering
Unfortunately, you’re going to have problems if you start relying on your friends. Most people don’t keep their own schedules that strictly – especially for a video game. So, if you expect them to be online all the time and they are not, and then your crops suffer because of it, you’re going to be upset, but it really isn’t their responsibility.
Ideally then, you need to think of the amount of time you have yourself and how often you can get back on to water those crops. The only time you should ever rely on someone else to water your crops is when you cannot be on online for a few days and don’t want everything to wither and die on you. Otherwise, plan carefully and be online as much as possible.
As you can see, watering in Country Story is all about being able to pinpoint the exact timeframe that works best for you and then stick to it in a way that will allow you to master the crops you’re planting day in and day out. If you can maintain your schedule, get your crops watered and out of the ground before they dry up and die and maintain your protection of those crops before they are stolen, you will find that Country Story is an incredibly engaging game with a lot of depth to it.
>>> Country Story Secrets <<<
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