Country Story Secrets
The goal of any farming app on Facebook is to plant and harvest crops so that you can sell off the items you harvest and get a profit. In Country Story, the process of planting and harvesting is slightly more engaging than in other farming games and will require a lot more strategy on your part – to plan out the course of your crops and to ensure they are watered properly and protected against stealing. If you can plant and harvest crops carefully enough though and maintain a good plan throughout the process, you will eventually be able to showcase your prowess in a number of ways on your farm.
Creating a Schedule to Plant and Harvest Crops
To get started, you need to be aware of the costs of planting. There is a cost per plot of land, per action you take and per seed you plant. Your goal then is to determine the return on investment versus time spent with that item. Here is an example (not in the game). If you have a crop that costs 25 coins to plant and rewards you with 100 coins when you harvest it, your net profit is 75 coins. However, you must also take into account how long it takes to grow that crop.
If it takes 2 days to grow the crop that rewards you with 75 coins, you’re only making roughly 1.6 coins per hour over two days. However, if there was another crop that rewarded you with 40 coins but only took 4 hours to grow, you would be making 10 coins per hour.
As you can see, scheduling your time can have a direct impact on what you plant and harvest in the game. You need to keep this in mind as you move forward.
How Harvesting Can Be Optimized
For any crops you plant and harvest, spend some time verifying the value of it before you settle. If you think you can get online every 4 hours but it turns out you’re not actually making 40% of the time, how many coins are you losing as a result and what is your end profit. By optimizing the total return, you can choose crops that are best suited for your particular schedule.
If you plant and harvest crops willy nilly and without any thought for how much time you have, what crops are best in that space, and how your neighbors will help (or hurt) you, you’re going to fall behind very quickly in Country Story. But, if you create a good plan that takes full advantage of the different ways you can excel in a game like Country Story, you will be well on your way to the top of the game before you know it.
>>> Country Story Secrets <<<
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